Infertility's Emotional Toll: What to Expect
The Emotional Roller Coaster of Infertility:
Growing up we rarely think we might one day struggle to get pregnant.
Seldom do we anticipate the possibility of fertility challenges, yet 17% of the global adult population experiences infertility. The women and men I work with tell me that their world feels shattered when they are struggling to conceive. The emotional ups and downs feel overwhelming and much of their day-to-day life experiences feel ‘on pause’.
At the Time of Discovery:
This life crisis feels surreal and comes as a shock to the system. This discovery is then followed by a range of hard-to-manage emotions. The tests and investigations feel scary, uncertain, and even unexplainable. Many I speak with describe shock and disbelief at the diagnosis of infertility; fear and dread as daily life feels seemingly unmanageable, filled with appointments while enduring a multitude of tests, hoping for an acceptable diagnosis, and then deciding on a treatment plan. This is often followed by even more dread and helplessness as patients realize that there are no guarantees to the success of a cycle. While all of this can be incredibly challenging, there are a wealth of resources to help patients navigate this.
During Treatment:
Once a cycle starts, there is the physical discomfort of daily injections and their possible side effects. Then comes the challenge of managing the double-edged sword of desperately wanting to believe in the cycle’s success while working hard at not getting too hopeful in case the cycle fails. This is the typical roller coaster ride for most of the people who reach out to me. These emotions are completely normal and I am able to help patients work through them and shift their perspective.
Am I going crazy?
No. It is perfectly normal to experience frustrations, sadness, and a sense of loss as you navigate your fertility journey. This is a very isolating experience. While it can be incredibly challenging, there are a wealth of resources to help patients navigate this.
Give yourself permission to find resources that can support you. They will help you to understand and process your feelings and provide ways to cope with them.
Next Steps:
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the emotional toll of infertility, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. At PCRM, we are happy to refer you to a counsellor (such as Chandra Sen) who specializes in supporting individuals and couples through the complex emotions that come with fertility challenges. You’ll gain access to compassionate care, personalized strategies to manage stress, and a safe space to explore your feelings. With counselling support, you can work toward finding clarity, resilience, and hope. Speak to your fertility specialist at PCRM for more information on resources we recommend.
Written by CHANDRA SEN, M.A., R.C.C. Tel.: 1-604-732-1081 chandrasencounselling@gmail.com chandrasen.com
You can learn more about Chandra here: https://chandrasen.com/
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Welcome to the Pacific Fertility Centre for Reproductive Medicine Blog! Nationally and internationally recognized for providing exceptional reproductive care, our team believes in empowering people with the knowledge they need to navigate their unique fertility journeys.
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